Police: Kim Jones killing was calculated 'execution'
A vigil will be held Friday at 4 p.m. for Kim Jones — the woman who was shot in the back of the head Tuesday morning and killed while waiting for a bus near Temple University's Main Campus.
View ArticleVigil set to honor South Jersey student and teacher killed in crashes
South Jersey will remember student Janiya Castleberry and teacher Allison McGinnis at 7 p.m. Thursday.
View ArticleSolemn but joyful vigil for student and teacher
Janiya Castleberry and teacher Allison McGinnis were remembered Thursday night for their bond by teachers, faculty, family and friends at he Helen Fort/Newcomb Middle School in Pemberton, where...
View ArticlePianist plays 'Imagine' outside Paris concert hall hit by terror attacks
German musician covers Lennon classic at vigil
View ArticleBucks County middle school student involved in fatal collision while...
A Bucks County middle school student died over the weekend after the skateboard he was riding collided with a vehicle at the intersection of Southeastern and Turk roads in Doylestown.
View ArticleHow you can help victims of mass shooting at Florida gay nightclub
How you can help victims of mass shooting at Florida gay nightclub
View ArticleVigil on Monday for Evesham native, former 'The Voice' contestant Christina...
Grimmie was a native of New Jersey before moving to California to chase her dreams in 2012.
View ArticleRemembering Orlando victims: Vigils, fundraisers, etc.
"We ask that everyone please come with love and respect."
View ArticleThousands converge on Philadelphia City Hall for vigil to remember Orlando...
Thousands gathered at City Hall on Monday evening for a somber memorial to honor the victims – and denounce the violence – of the senseless mass shooting in Orlando that took the lives of 49 people and...
View ArticleWest Catholic to hold private vigil for Orlando massacre victim Akyra Murray
West Catholic to hold private vigil for Orlando massacre victim Akyra Murray
View ArticleVigil on Thursday evening for 13-year-old shooting victim
The city anti-gun violence organization Philadelphia CeaseFire will host a vigil on Thursday evening for a 13-year-old shooting victim who was fatally shot in the face on Wednesday in Germantown.
View ArticlePhiladelphia vigil to honor victims of Manchester bombing
A vigil at Philadelphia City Hall is set for Tuesday evening to honor the victims of the deadly bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England.
View ArticleHonor those lost to addiction at this regional candlelight vigil
Show support for people in recovery, encourage those still fighting the battle and comfort the friends and family left behind.
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